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Cutting-Edge Research |
Our efficient research team has an eye for detail and provides Fundamental Research, Technical Analysis and Innovative Portfolio Strategies to help capitalize on market opportunities. Our research areas cover Portfolio Design, Asset Allocation, Life Cycle Investing, Model Portfolios and Stock Specific Recommendations. Whatever your goals and your risk appetite, we have the expertise to deliver solutions that meet your needs.
Approach To Research |
Focus on long-term performance while balancing short-term objectives. |
Fundamental view supported by short, medium and long-term views. |
Quality and performance outweigh quantity. |
Views to suit different Investor Objectives such as "Buy and Hold" investors, Active Traders, Long-term Money Managers & Liability-based Fund Managers. |
Holistic approach where top-down Asset Class, Market and Sector views are supported by bottom-up Valuation of Stocks. |
Use of the Greshma Core Strength Index to rank stocks and create portfolios. |
De Dicated Institutional Desk
We have a dedicated Institutional Desk for our foreign and domestic Institutional Clients. We deliver value by combining cutting-edge research, access to market information and seamless execution. In fact, the research that we deliver to Individual Clients draws on the skill of the same high quality team, which carries out research for our Institutional Clients.